CIBER-BBN, partner of NANBIOSIS, leads the European initiative Nano4p, reference in Nanomedicine
CIBER-BBN along with other leading partners from various European countries, are setting up the “Precision Nanomedicine for People (Nano4P)” Flagship Initiative (
Nano4P aims to develop material science and nanotechnology-based highly precise tools for the detection and tailored treatments of diseases, based on the unique characteristics of each person and taking advantage of stratification and molecular-level information. In this way, the paradigm shift that is already becoming visible in the healthcare system, will definitively enable to move from traditional treatment of diseases by existing drugs/tools, towards a predictive, preventive, precise and participatory (4P) medicine.
FET-Flagship Initiatives tackle grand science and technology (S&T) challenges. To get the expected outcome and an added value to Europe, the close collaboration of a large number of different scientific disciplines, industries, public regulatory agencies and nanosafety agents is mandatory. To date, only two initiatives of this FET-Flagship program have been developed, one of them, the Graphene project, with the participation of some CIBER-BBN groups and NANBIOSIS Unit 8.
We cordially invite you to support the FET-Flagship Initiative Nano4P by fulfilling the online template in the SUPPORT NANO4P section ( of NANO4P website ( The interplay of all of us will definitively strength the Nano4P Initiative to build a network of excellence leading from the invention and development of disruptive technologies to the needs of the European society.
Thanks in advance for your interest and support.