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U12. Nanostructured liquid characterization unit – Equipment

U12. Nanostructured liquid characterization unit – Equipment

U12-E22. SEM Hitachi TM4000Plus II for morphological and dimensional characterization of solid samples

U12-E22. SEM Hitachi TM4000Plus II for morphological and dimensional characterization of solid samples


Low vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy with two electron detectors (secondary, SE, and backscattered, BSE). SE imaging provides a detailed information of the morphology of the sample and BSE gives information about the different components of the sample, based on the different atomic number (the higher the atomic number, the brighter the surface).

Appropriate vacuum levels are reached using a turbo molecular pump and electron beams are directed to sample specimens with accelerating voltages between 5 and 20 kV, which allow magnifications from 10x to 100,000x. Specimens with size up to 80 mm diameter and/or 50 mm thickness can be observed.

Conductive and non-conductive samples can be characterized with little or no previous preparation. The software enables image processing of micrographs, for measuring the size of solid particles after the acquisition of images.


Topographical and morphological characterization of tissues, hairs, fibers, etc. Quality control and failure analysis. Morphological properties are quite important in the research of innovative materials. In addition, the characterization of the surface is a key factor in porous materials used for delivery systems. Semiconductor inspection and microchip assembly, to analyse the topography and to investigate the effectiveness of production methods.

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Design of parenteral MNP-loaded PLGA nanoparticles by a low-energy emulsification approach as theragnostic platforms for intravenous or intratumoral administration

Encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) into PLGA nanoparticles has been achieved by nano-emulsion templating using for the first time both, a low-energy emulsification method as well as biocompatible components accepted for pharmaceuticals intended for human use. The incorporation of MNP by nano-emulsion templating method proposed in this work has been investigated in two different systems applying mild process conditions and is shown to be simple and versatile, providing stable MNP-loaded PLGA nanoparticles with tunable size and MNP concentration. MNP-loaded PLGA nanoparticles showed sizes below 200 nm by DLS and 50 nm by TEM, and mean MNP loading per PLGA nanoparticle of 1 to 4, depending on the nanoparticle dispersion composition. Physical-chemical features suggest that the MNP-loaded PLGA nanoparticles obtained are good candidates for intravenous or intratumoral administration.

The equipment of Dynamic Light Scattering (Dynamic Light Scattering) of NANBIOSIS Unit 12 has been used to determine the size distribution of polymer particles and Microscopy with Hyperspectral Analysis (Hyperspectral enhanced dark field microscopy) to detect the encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles in polymer particles.

Article of reference:


Graphical abstract: Schematic representation of the preparation process of Fe3O4 MHighlightsN P-loaded PLGA nanoparticles by nano-emulsion templating.

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U12-E21. Fluorimeter Cary Eclipse (Varian)

U12-E21. Fluorimeter Cary Eclipse (Varian)

Fluorimeter Cary Eclipse (Varian) for fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminiscence, bioluminiscence measurements.

U12-E21. Fluorimeter Cary Eclipse (Varian)
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U12-E20. Osmometer Type 15 (Löser Messtechnik)

U12-E20. Osmometer Type 15 (Löser Messtechnik)


Instrument for the determination of osmolality via the measurement of freezing point


Measurement of osmolality of biomedical samples

U12-E20. Osmometer Type 15 (Löser Messtechnik)
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U12-E19. HPLC 1525 Series (Waters)

U12-E19. HPLC 1525 Series (Waters)

Waters 1500 series Chromatograph equipped with a binary gradient pump (maximum flux = 10 mL/min and maximum pressure of 6000 psi or 414 bar), UV detector model 2489 (wavelength 190-600 nm), refractometer model Waters 2410 (flux = 0.03 to 10 mL /min and internal temperature control from 30 to 50˚C) and injector model Waters 2707 (injection volume = 0-50µL).

High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is an analysis technique that allows the separation of nonvolatile compounds from a mixture, such as inorganic compounds, aminoacids, peptides, proteins, lipids, sugars, drugs, petroleum derived products, synthetic polymers, etc. Qualitative and quantitative analysis are possible with HLPC.

U12-E19. HPLC 1525 Series (Waters)
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U12-E18. Viscosimeter RVDV-II+P (Brookfield)

U12-E18. Viscosimeter RVDV-II P (Brookfield)

Brookfield viscometer with a wide measurement range from 25 mPa.s to 64 MmPa.s. It is equipped with an accessory (Small Sample Adaptor SSA) for samples of small volume (7-13.5 mL).

Viscosity measurements.

U12-E18. Viscosimeter RVDV-II P (Brookfield)
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U12-E17. Zetasizer NanoZ (Malvern Instruments)

U12-E17. Zetasizer NanoZ (Malvern Instruments)

Instrument for the measurement of zeta potential, using the M3-PALS technology for the determination of electrophoretic mobility.  Temperature can be controled from 2 to 90 ˚C. It uses disposable capillary cells “Universal Dip Cell” for standard Zeta potential measurements in organic and aqueous solvents, and it can use the “High Concentration Cell“ for measurements at high concentrations

Measurement of electrophoretic mobility and zeta potential in dispersions

U12-E17. Zetasizer NanoZ (Malvern Instruments)
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U12-E16. Autosorb IQ (Quantachrome Instruments)

U12-E16. Autosorb IQ (Quantachrome Instruments)

The Quantachrome Autosorb iQ-AG equipment determines gas adsorption/desorption curves, for the calculation of specific surface area and pore size analysis. This equipment allows the simultaneous degassing of two samples and the physisorption analysis of a third sample, at relative pressures above P/P0 > 1×10-3. The gas sorption analyzer is equipped with a cryogenic dewar for measurements until 90 hours.

Characterization of the porosity and surface area of nanoparticles, macroporous, macro/mesoporous and mesoporous materials like aluminas, silicas and other materials including M41S materials (eg. MCM-41), PMOs, KITs and many SBAs.


U12-E16. Autosorb IQ (Quantachrome Instruments)
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U12-E15. SEM Hitachi TM-1000 (Hitachi)

U12-E15. SEM Hitachi TM-1000 (Hitachi)

Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope.

Observations of the morphology of solid samples, such as polymeric and synthetic particles, meso/macroporous materials, textiles, etc., with high field depth (it allows focusing simultaneously on a wide portion of the sample) and relatively high resolution (in the nanometer range). Samples do not need to be electrical conductive, and therefore, coating with a very thin metal layer (e.g. Au, Pd) is not always required. The only sample requirement is the absence of volatile components, including water humidity

U12-E15. SEM Hitachi TM-1000 (Hitachi)
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U12-E14. Avanti J30I ultracentrifuge (Beckman Coulter)

U12-E14. Avanti J30I ultracentrifuge (Beckman Coulter)

High-speed centrifuge with aluminum rotors at fixed angle – Rotor JA-25.15 (maximum centrifugal force = 74200g, maximum speed = 25000 rpm, capacity for 24 tubes of 15 mL each, total capacity = 360 mL) – Rotor JLA-16.250 (maximum centrifugal force = 38500g, maximum speed = 16000 rpm, capacity for 6 tubes of 250 mL each, total capacity = 1500 mL) – Rotor JA-10 (maximum centrifugal force = 17700g, maximum speed = 10000 rpm, capacity for 6 tubes of 500 mL each, total capacity = 3 L)

It allows to centrifuge samples such as emulsions, dispersions, etc at angular velocities up to 25000 rpm (74200 g) at various temperatures (from -20˚C a 40˚C), which can be used for phase separation, stability studies, etc. in colloidal systems and for the separation of cells and proteins.

U12-E14. Avanti J30I ultracentrifuge (Beckman Coulter)
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