Best Poster award at the congress of Spanish Society of Nephrology
Researchers of Unit 17 of NANBIOSIS Confocal Microscopy Service and the GITBIT-UAH group (CIBER-BBN, Univerty of Alcalá de Henares), have been awarded with the PRIZE FOR THE BEST POSTER COMMUNICATION by the Spanish Society of Nephrology (S.E.N.) and Senefro Foundation.
“The ILK deletion prevents extravasation of monocytic line leukocytes induced by the accumulation of uremic toxins during chronic kidney disease” authored by CAMPILLO DE BLAS, L BOHORQUEZ MAGRO, D GARCÍA AYUSO, B GARCÍA CARRASCO, M GRIERA, S DE FRUTOS, M RODRÍGUEZ-PUYOL, D RODRÍGUEZ-PUYOL, L CALLEROS BASILIO.