Study of new liposomes for the delivery of enzymes through biological membranes
Judit Tomsen, researcher at Nanomol Group – NANBIOSIS U6 (ICMAB-CSIC and CIBER-BBN) will defend her PhD thesis on Thursday, 15 July 2021, at 11 am in an hybrid session, from the ICMAB Seminar Room “Carles Miravitlles”.
Further information and Registration to attend the PhD Thesis defense via Zoom at ICMAB-website.
Nora Ventosa (Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit and leader of Nanomol Group of CIBER-BBN- ICMAB-CSIC
Elisabet González, Nanomol Group of CIBER-BBN – ICMAB-CSIC
Abstract: Liposomes are lipid-based nanovesicles widely explored as nanocarriers for the transport of biomolecules or drugs of interest to the place of action, and for the development of new nanomedicines. This Thesis is devoted to the study of liposomal systems functionalized with targeting-ligands, with the final goal to be used as nanocarriers of therapeutically active enzymes. The new liposomal formulations have been specifically investigated and developed for the effective transportation of α-galactosidase A enzyme through cellular and blood-brain membranes, and for the achievement of a new liposomal intravenous pharmaceutical product candidate (nanoGLA) for the treatment of Fabry disease. The achieved results support the strong potential of targeted liposomal systems for drug delivery application. The successful development and optimization of the nanoGLA product for improving the current enzymatic replacement therapy in Fabry disease especially contributes as an example of translational and interdisciplinary research.