NABIHEAL project launches website
The website for NABIHEAL, an EU-funded Horizon Europe project developing biomaterials for complex wound healing, is now online.
The Horizon Europe project NABIHEALi project is coordinated by the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).
This project will apply one the “Cutting Edge Biomedical Solutions” of NANBIOSIS for the preparation of different nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, required for the development of the final multifunctional wound healing biomaterials. This case will gather the expertise of two NANBIOSIS unit: NANBIOSIS U6 will produce and characterize these nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, which will be tested in NANBIOSIS U16.
Find out more about the project and what its impact will be, and browse the 14 partners from 7 countries to see how each contributes to the project’s objectives. NABIHEAL WEBSITE
Related news: New European Project NABIHEAL in biomaterials for complex wound healing