Research Excellence Award by the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry to Ramón Martínez, Scientific Director of Unit 26 of NANBIOSIS
The Governing Board of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (SRSQ) has agreed to grant its Research Excellence Award 2016 to Dr. Ramón Martínez Máñez, Scientific Director of Unit 26 of NANBIOSIS and Scientific Director of CIBER-BBN, in recognition of the quality and innovation of its research in the design of chrome-fluorogenic detection probes and the development of new delivery systems and their impact on biomedical applications.
Martinez Máñez is co-authored of more than 330 scientific publications in international journals. His scientific work has been cited on over 13,000 occasions. It is among the 15 most cited authors in the area of Chemistry in Spain in recent years and currently has an index h of 56. He is currently Director of the Interuniversity Research Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM) at the Politecnic University of Valencia. He has been coordinator of Project Evaluation Technology Area at the Generalitat Valenciana and member of the Committee of Experts for the Selection of Projects of the National Plan in 2010 and 2014 in the Thematic Area of Materials. Currently, he is also coordinator of the PhD Program in Chemistry and a member of the Steering Committee of the Doctoral School of the UPV, Co-chairman of the magazine ChemistryOpen published by Wiley and member of the International Advisory Board of the Chemistry journal Asian. Chem. J. and ChemPlusChem, published by Wiley