Highly sensitive monoclonal antibodies for a new biosensor for hormones detection in fertility treatments
Nb4D research group and NANBIOSIS U2 Custom Antibody Service (CAbS) of CIBER-BBN at the IQAC-CSIC, together with the company Droplite Technologies have obtained a Retos-Collaboration project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, for the development of a biosensor for detection and rapid quantification of hormones, linked to in-vitro fertility treatments.
NANBIOSIS U2 CAbS will be responsible for the production of highly sensitive monoclonal antibodies, counting on the experience in this field of Juan Pablo Salvador, project coordinator, Núria Pascual and Mª Pilar Marco.
The measurement of the hormone estradiol is a key indicator, both of maturity and of the degree of ovarian stimulation, very important in a successful fertilization process. But there are no tools that allow accurate and sensitive monitoring.
Thus, the consortium formed by Nb4D-Droplite proposes as a solution a new device to perform the control and quantification of hormones, in particular estradiol, in less than 30 minutes, without the need for a central laboratory and only using a drop of blood, which is obtained simply by pricking the patient’s finger.
With funding of € 388,531, the project strategy consists of a transversal collaboration between the Droplite company and the CIBER-BBN research center, through the Nb4D group, supported by the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, which allows a continuous evaluation and optimization of the prototype based on the exchange of experiences and knowledge.
On the other hand, Droplite, led by its co-founders André Guedes and Rafael Porcar, contributes its experience in the development of an optical detection system based on nanotechnology, which will allow to detect and monitor, automatically and quantitatively, different markers and provide results in just 10 minutes. Droplite is dedicated to the biotechnology sector that emerged as a spin-off of the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)
The call Retos Colaboración
The aid of this call, managed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency, aims to support experimental development projects in cooperation between companies and research organizations, in order to promote the development of new technologies, business application of new ideas and techniques, and contribute to the creation of new products and services.