NANBIOSIS at the Assembly of Materplat
Next November 14 the General Assembly of Materplat 2018 will take place in the facilities of the Institute of Ceramics and Glass of the CSIC (ICV-CSIC), on the campus of the Autonomous University of Madrid (Cantoblanco, Madrid).
This year, the theme of the Assembly will be focused on how innovation in materials that can be useful in different fields related to smart cities. In this sense, different speakers will show developments in materials very important for sectors such as health, among others. NANBIOSIS will be present through José Becerra, Professor of Cell Biology at the University of Málaga, Scientific Director of the U28 of NANBIOSIS who will talk about the Customization of Implants and their biological function.
The main novelty of this year is that the Assembly of MATERPLAT will be a joint day with SAMPE Iberica, the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering. This section of the Assembly will feature already confirmed presentations by Fokker / GKN and ARIANE Group.
MATERPLAT is the ADVANCED MATERIALS AND NANOMATERIALS SPANISH TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORM, whose main goal is to foster and promote Innovation within the R&D&I National System, as a tool and a key instrument to improve and increase the competitivity of the Spanish companies, for which materials and nanomaterials, along with their transformation processes, are fundamental elements in the development and commercialization of their products and services. NANBIOSIS participates in Materplat through his Coordinator, Jesus Izco, who leads the Materplat Health Innovation Group