Ramón Martínez Máñez Master class on Nanomedicine at the Act of the Academic Opening year 2018-2019 of Spanish university
On September 25, the Polytechnic University of Valencia hosted the Solemn Act of the new Academic Opening year 2018-2019 of Spanish universities, coinciding with the commemoration of its 50th anniversary. This institutional act was chaired by S.M. King Felipe VI, the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Pedro Duque, and the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig, among many other authorities.
Ramón Martínez Máñez, has been in charge of teaching the master class of the new academic year. Ramón Martínez is professor of the Department of Chemistry of the UPV and director of the Interuniversity Research Institute of Molecular Recognition and Technological Development, besides Scientific Director of CIBER-BBN and Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U26 NMR: Biomedical Applications II
In the master class, Martínez Máñez explained that nanomedicine aims to “identify diseases in their early stages at the cellular and molecular level through the use of nanodevices and contrast systems” in order to “provide an early diagnosis and, therefore, improve the prognosis of the disease“. Ramón Martínez Mañez, Rei Jaume I Award for New Technologies 2018 has underlined that, nanomedicine “is already a well-established area of knowledge that seeks to apply the continuous advances of nanotechnology to medicine” and that “there are numerous studies that demonstrate its great capacity for the development of new diagnostic devices, new systems for the controlled release of drugs and materials suitable for the development of tissues. In fact, as indicated “there are already in the market biomedical solutions based on nanotechnology such as nanoformulated drugs.” For the professor of the UPV, “we do not know what is the future of medicine, but without a doubt nanotechnology will play an important role in its development and, although we do not know who will carry out these advances, undoubtedly, the research developed in the university it will play a fundamental role “.