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Posts on Jan 1970

Technical seminar on materials characterisation equipment

The Service-SOFT/U6 Nanbiosis ICTS (of CIBER-BBN and ICMAB-CSIC) together with the company NANE are organising a technical seminar on materials characterisation equipment. In this seminar, different techniques for the characterisation of particulate materials such as DLS, NTA, Laser Diffraction, Morphology will be discussed.

Limited places. You can register at this link

Link to the program: here

Date: 08th of November

Place: Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB) -CSIC – Conference room

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NANBIOSIS U1 at UAB Innovation Fair

On October 17, 2023, the NANBIOSIS U1 of Protein Production Platform PPP, took part in the UAB Innovation Fair, where various research groups, spin-offs, service providers, research centers, and companies gathered to foster networking opportunities.

This event proved highly advantageous for the PPP, as it not only facilitated the identification of potential new clients but also paved the way for collaborative efforts aimed at enhancing and refining the final product offered by the PPP.

In the picture PPP NANBIOSIS U1 Scientists at PPP stand at the Fair: Neus Ferrer, Scientific Director; Rosa Mendoza, Laboratory Manager, and Mercedes Marquez, Scientific Coordinator.
PPP NANBIOSIS U1 Scientists at PPP stand at the Fair: Neus Ferrer, Scientific Director; Rosa Mendoza, Laboratory Manager, and Mercedes Marquez, Scientific Coordinator.

The UAB Innovation Fair is a day for relations between the world of research and the business environment that aims to recognize the transfer of knowledge from research groups and show the wide range of technologies, services, innovative ideas and entrepreneurial projects generated on the UAB campus.

Its inauguration was in charge of Montserrat López Merlos, president of the Social Counsel Academic Commision, Lluis Juncà, director general director of Innovation of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Javier Lafuente, rector of the UAB.

The inauguration was followed by an inspirational talk on Innovation, trends and challenges by Jordi Puigneró, mayor deputy of Institutional Relations, Good Government and Digital City of Sant Cugat del Vallès City Council.

Ater a fruitful matchmaking session between research groups and startups and companies, a round table took place with biopharmaceutical companies “Company-University Collaboration, model for excellence” was organiced with the participation of:

  • Ignasi Belda, CEO of MiWEndo Solutions
  • Ferran Briansó, Innovation Projects Manager at Roche Diagnostics
  • Fabiana d’Aniello, R&D Director at Ferrer
  • Joaquim Mallorquí, Bioterapeutics R&D Director at Hipra
  • Montse Monsalvatje, Processes Deevelopment Director at Esteve
  • Moderador: Dani Cordero, Economy Manager of El País Catalunya

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The importance of bacterial Quorum Sensing (QS) research recognised in the Princesa of Asturias Awards

Today, Bonnie Bassler, Jeffrey Gordon, and Peter Greenberg are receiving the Princess of Asturias Award for their contribution to the knowledge of the role of the human microbiome and the bacteria Quorum Sensing.

Targeting Quorum Sensing allows understanding of bacteria behaviour and pathogenesis, but also developing new therapeutic and diagnostic strategies for infectious diseases.

Bonnie Bassler has shown how small chemical signals are involved in such a communication process.

Peter Greenberg was one of the first scientists who assigned the term Quorum Sensing (QS) to such a sophisticated system used by bacteria to communicate and synchronize behavior. He was involved on the discovery of the QS signalling pathways of important pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and their implication on virulence and biofilm formation, key for the establishment of chronic and antibiotic-resistant infections

Jeffrey Gordon is a pioneer of microbiome research. These billions of bacteria living in our bodies have an extraordinary effect on our health, determining metabolic or even neurological disorders. His discoveries are tackling global issues such as childhood malnutrition.

The winners explained at the press conference the importance of this award:

“I couldn’t imagine that was going to be awarded the “Premio Princesa de Asturias” when I see those who have achieved it… they are icons, they are my idols in all kinds of fields!”, said Bonnie Bassler. Peter Greenberg explained that it is not only a recognition of the work done over many years in their research group but also of the work done by all the scientists in microbiology “This honor that has been granted to us is a recognition of how important microbiology and science in general is”.

From NANBIOSIS ICTS we want to congratulate the winners and thank the Princess of Asturias Foundation for the recognition of a piece of research which is of specific interest in our  Unit 2-CAbS, research group Nb4D – from CIBER-BBN and IQAC-CSIC, led by M. Pilar Marco. Her research line is focused on the development of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for infectious diseases targeting the aforementioned Quorum Sensing (QS) and based on antibody-funded technologies. The QS is a sophisticated cell communication system controlling a series of cellular processes involved in pathogenesis, based on the release and detection of small signaling molecules (QSsm).

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Developing Support Technologies for adressing traslational gaps in regenerative medicine.

On the 20th of October, CIBER-BBN group NanoBioCell – NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation unit organises the Conference “Developping support technologies for adressing traslational gaps in regenerative medicine” by Dr. James-J Yoo.

The Conference will take place in the Assembly hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy on Friday 20th of October, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00, as part of the JRL program Advanced Pharma Development. The Conference will be broadcasted.

Dr. Yoo is Professor and Associate Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), with cross-appointments to the Departments of Urology, Physiology and Pharmacology, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and the Virginia Tech-Wake Forest School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. He is also an elected Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).

Dr. Yoo’s research efforts have been directed toward developing tissue engineering technologies and therapeutic approaches for clinical translation. A few notable examples of successful clinical translation include the bladder, urethra, vagina, and muscle cell therapy for incontinence.

Dr. Yoo has been a lead scientist in the bioprinting program at WFIRM and has been instrumental in developing skin bioprinting and integrated tissue and organ printing (ITOP) systems for preclinical and clinical applications.

He and his teams were recently awarded first and second place in NASA Centennial Vascular Tissue Challenge for bioprinting metabolically active thick liver tissue that retained function for thirty days.

Dr. Yoo has authored more than 340 scientific publications, 100 patent registrations/applications, 1000 scientific presentations, 310 invited lectures and mentored over 320 trainees, ranging from undergraduate students to practicing physicians

For further information contact: Angela.Losada@ehu.eus

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3D Printing and Bioprinting for Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications

Researchers of CIBER-BBN group NanoBioCell – NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation unit Jose Luis Pedraz Muñoz, Laura Saenz del Burgo Martínez, Gustavo Puras Ochoa, Jon Zarate Sesma have edited the book “3D Printing and Bioprinting for Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications”

The increasing availability and decreasing costs of 3D printing and bioprinting technologies are expanding opportunities to meet medical needs. 3D Printing and Bioprinting for Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications discusses emerging approaches related to these game-changer technologies in such areas as drug development, medical devices, and bioreactors.

Key Features:

  • Offers an overview of applications, the market, and regulatory analysis
  • Analyzes market research of 3D printing and bioprinting technologies
  • Reviews 3D printing of novel pharmaceutical dosage forms for personalized therapies and for medical devices, as well as the benefits of 3D printing for training purposes
  • Covers 3D bioprinting technology, including the design of polymers and decellularized matrices for bio-inks development, elaboration of 3D models for drug evaluation, and 3D bioprinting for musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, central nervous system, ocular, and skin applications
  • Provides risk-benefit analysis of each application
  • Highlights bioreactors, regulatory aspects, frontiers, and challenges

This book serves as an ideal reference for students, researchers, and professionals in materials science, bioengineering, the medical industry, and healthcare.

For table of contents and further deatails:

3D Printing and Bioprinting for Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications. ISBN 9781032228662332 Pages 73 B/W Illustrations. Published September 27, 2023 by CRC Press

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