Evaluation of colloidal stability
For this service we offer a Turbiscan instrument (Formulaction) for the evaluation of colloidal stability. It measures turbidity by multiple light scattering, as a function of time along the vertical axis by both transmitted and backscattered light. It can analyse samples up to 95 vol% with a wide range of particle sizes (10 nm – 1 mm). The samples are placed inside a temperature-controlled chamber, and the measurements can be carried out from room temperature up to 60 ˚C.
Customer benefits
- Specialized in colloidal samples
- ISO9001 certification for standard quality control system
- Highly qualified and continuously trained staff
- Adapted to customers’ needs
The services provided by the unit are very relevant for product formulation and quality control.Applications include analysis of colloidal stability of emulsions, suspensions and foams and to determine whether there is sedimentation, creaming, flocculation or coalescence.
Target customer
Public research organizations, academia and industry in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetic sectors.
Additional information

More information can be found at https://www2.iqac.csic.es/qci/