Cáceres, September 10th, 2021
In the framework of the project “Updating the Infrastructures and implementation of a LIMS document control and management system to enhance the capacities of the Distributed ICTS NANBIOSIS Units managed by the CCMIJU (AILIMS-NANBIOSIS) a filtered air shower for Animal Housing has been bought with strictly controlled environmental parameters, to prevent possible cross-contamination and the entry of pathogens and viral particles, since during entry and exit of personnel to this area, contamination by the mentioned particles has been detected, so the air shower is an effective solution to eliminate them and protect the controlled environment.
AILIMS has been co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) within the framework of the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain (POPE) of Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) 2014-2020 and the acquisition of the shower is part of the first action of the following two, financed with FEDER Funds:
-Within Unit 22 or Animal Facility, the Installation and development of an environmental treatment-control system of the housing rooms, an Improvement and adaptation of the spaces for experimental models, the Acquisition, installation and development of a two-door ultra- filtered air shower and the Acquisition, installation and development of a post-procedural recovery chamber.
– For the rest of the NANBIOSIS Units managed by the CCMIJU, Acquisition, installation and development of a LIMS Software.
The actions and their budget are here detailed: (VI) PROJECT REFERENCE: ICTS-2019-14-46), together with the FEDER co-funded rate.