The Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (JUMISC), organizes the 1st ONLINE Course on Introduction to Quality Management in Laboratories in the Biosanitary Field.
The course will count with the expertise Beatriz Moreno Lobato, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 19 CLINICAL TEST LAB, among others.
The Course is directed to middle-level technicians: Auxiliary Care of Nursing and Pharmacy and Parapharmacy and also to higher degree technicians: Pathological and Cytodiagnostic Anatomy, Oral Hygiene, Image for Diagnosis and Nuclear Medicine, Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory, Dental Prosthetics, Dietary
The course has a capacity for forty attendees and registration is now open here:
The course program consists of:
Thematic Unit 1: Quality Management Systems (7.5h) (15h student dedication)
- Historical justification and principles of quality management (1,5h) (J Sánchez)
- Quality Assurance Systems (J Sánchez)
- ISO 9001 (1,5h) (J Sánchez)
- ISO 17025 Standard (1,5h) (J Sánchez)
- BPL regulations (1,5h) (J Fco Guillén)
- Quality Philosophy. New strategies (1,5h) (J Sánchez)
Thematic Unit 2: Quality in the field of the laboratory (8.5h) (17h student dedication)
- Generalities and Management in a Clinical Analysis Laboratory (2h) (B Moreno)
- Safety standards in laboratories (2h) (J Boat)
- Quality in other laboratories in the biomedical field (4,5h) (N Hernández / J García / N Picado)
Thematic Unit 3: Analytical Quality (4h) (8h student dedication)
- Definition of analytical quality. General aspects (B Moreno)
- Analytical tests (B Moreno)
- Management and conservation of samples. Analytical Interferences (B Moreno)
- Validation of analytical methods (B Moreno)
- Calibration and equipment management. Quality and PNT manuals (J Fco Guillén / B Moreno)
Thematic Unit 4: Introduction to GLP (4h) (8h student dedication)
- Regulation and relationship with other standards (J Fco Guillén)
- ISO 13485 and other related standards (J Fco Guillén)
- Documentation and Quality Assurance (J Fco Guillén)
- BPL applications (B Moreno)
Final exam and Satisfaction Survey (2h)