20 Jun07:25am

NANBIOSIS’ partners CIBER-BBN and JUMISC, with another 44 European partners, led by Philips Electronics Nederland B.V, will work on the development of next genration catheters.
The project, Position-II (Ref. n. 783132), that pretends to diversify the production of smart catheters (overcoming the obsolescence of current ones), improve their performance (facilitating their use to be smaller), reduce current production costs and break existing monopolies, has been submitted to the Call for Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL)- Horizon 2020, with a duration of three years -starting on 1/6/18- and with a budget of over €41M, (€10.4M-financed by European Union)
The objective of the participation of JUMISC in Position-II is to develop new catheters that, in combination with hydrogels and cell therapy, will have a regenerative effect to stimulate the recovery of cardiac areas damaged by heart attacks. NANBIOSIS U10. Drug Formulation, of CIBER-BBN, at UPV-EHU, coordinated by José Luis Pedraz and Jsús Ciriza, will microencapsulate the cells to be test and administered in porcine model at the JUMISC to validate the designed catheter.
The kick-off of the Eurpean project under Grant Agreement Ecsel-783132- POSOTION II 2017-IA took place on June 5 to 7 in Rotterdam, representatives of the NANBIOSIS-ICTS Steering Committee, unit 10 and unit 24 were present.