26 May14:05pm
11T NMR equipment with the following probes:
•• HR-MAS,
•• Cryoprobe, and
•• multinuclear probe with service for metabolomics for tissues, cell lines and biofluids.
- BBOF Plus ATM. 1H/BB/19F direct multinuclear probe (5mm), with field gradients along the z axis, and automatic frequency tuning. Range of frequencies in the broadband channel from 15N to 31P.
- TBI. 1H/BB/15N triple reverse probe (5mm), with field gradients along the z axis. Range of frequencies in the broadband channel from 15N to 31P.
- BACS autosampler for 60 samples.
- Accessory to control temperature, with air down to 5ºC. Liquid nitrogen evaporator for low temperature experiments.