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Posts by Nanbiosis


On March 15, Jesús Izco presented NANBIOSIS at the conference organized by CIBERSAM on Therapeutic Innovation.

The event, that took place in the Hospital del Mar of ​​Barcelona, ​​with an audience of about 80 people, was attended by Jesús Izco, coordinator of NANBIOSIS as a guest to talk about Innovation Platforms. Jesús Izco explained the opportunities offered by the ICTS NANBIOSIS as a Platform for Research and Biomedical Innovation, giving examples of private-public collaboration in competitive calls (INNPACTOP, Challenges and H2020) in which NANBIOSIS has participated and explained the design of the new Nanomedicine Cascade Characterization Service, in which NANBIOSIS is working on.

CIBERSAM is the CIBER Scientific Area  dedicated to the study of mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders and mental disorders of the child and adolescent or therapeutic innovation. Its mission is to provide answers and solutions to better understand the etiophysiopathology of mental disorders, improving the promotion of mental health, prevention and current treatments and thus improve the quality of life of citizens. CIBERSAM’s Therapeutic Innovation program has a long tradition in the identification and development of new therapeutic strategies, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological.

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Three Scientifics of NANBIOSIS in University of Zaragoza ERC 10 years celebration event

2017 is the year of the X Anniversary of the European Research Council (ERC), created to finance research projects of excellence at the frontier of knowledge of any scientific discipline.

The structure of the ERC consists of an autonomous scientific council made up of 22 distinguished scientists supported by an executive agency that is responsible for implementing the program, organizing the evaluation and managing the aid.

The University of Zaragoza, hosting three units of NANBIOSIS, joined the celebrations with an event that took place on March 15. Among the assistants, three Scientists of NANBIOSIS recognized with ERC:

Jesús Santamaría, Scientific Director of Unit 9 of NANBIOSIS, received an Advanced Grant, on the senior side, with a funding of 1.85 M. for his project Héctor.

Manuel Arruebo, researcher of the group of Nanostructured Films and Particles, coordinator of Unit 9 of NANBIOSIS, obtained the Consolidator Grant endowed with 1.5 M of euros with a Nanobiomedicine project.

Esther Pueyo, researcher of the group BSICoS, coordinator of Unit 27 of NANBIOSIS, obtained an ERC Started Grant for her Modelage project, financed with 1.5 M euros.


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NANBIOSIS at the X Conference of Technological Platforms of Biomedical Research

On March 8, 2017, the 10th Annual Conference of Technological Platforms of Biomedical Research took place in Madrid on the theme Innovative Medicines, Nanomedicine, Health-care Technologies and Biotechnology Markets.

Jesús Izco, Coordinator of NANBIOSIS, participated in the round table on New Public-Private Cooperation networks, together with the Scientific Directors of the recently created CIBER Areas of Fragility and Aging, Oncology and Cardiovascular Diseases, as well with as the coordinators of the Networks of Clinical Essays and the network of Discovery of Drugs.

The coordinator of NANBIOSIS explained the opportunities that the ICTS offers as a Network of Excellence for Research and Biomedical Innovation, especially in the fields of nanomedicine and biomaterials and gave examples of private-public collaboration in competitive calls (INNPACTOP, Challenges and H2020) in which NANBIOSIS has participated. Finally, Jesús Izco outlined the ICTS strategy to improve cooperation with companies and spoke about the design of the new Nanomedicine Cascade Characterization, among others services, in which NANBIOSIS is working on.

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3D printing biocompatible hydrogels


Researchers of Unit 5 of NANBIOSIS, in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Montpellier, have laid the groundwork for faster advances in 3D printing for regenerative medicine by creating a system of ink and matrices that offers a solid basis for tissue regeneration.

Due to their high water content, hydrogels are highly attractive biomaterials for 3D printing as efficient ‘surrogates’ for the extracellular matrix, onto which cells can be cultured. However, while they are relatively easy to produce using a method called extrusion printing, their stability and structural integrity can weaken when they’re in contact with biological fluids or extracellular matrices.

The Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies group’s new method uses a hybrid bioink that doesn’t need any photochemical or organic reagent and which safe for use in vivo. Using a versatile and biocompatible method called sol-gel, this bioink can be used to print a peptide-functionalized hydrogel. It’s the first time sol-gel has been used for hydrogel inks, as all examples combining sol-gel and 3D printing have so far dealt either with inorganic constructs or with extrusion printing under nonbiocompatible conditions.

The new matrices work better than current ones because, as well as being biocompatible, certain essential processes such as hydrolysis occur during the printing process, resulting in a much stronger and more reliable structure. The researchers, who worked in collaboration with colleagues in France, were able to successfully seed them with mesenchymal stem cells, and are now looking at the possibility of encapsulating cells within the hybrid ink so that seeding can take place during the construction process.

As well as producing a stronger matrix, the combination of sol-gel chemistry and 3D printing means that the new method could be a promising way to quickly produce an unlimited number of customized, cell-laden, biocompatible structures. Not only that, but using several different hybrid bioinks could open the way to making multilayer and non-homogeneous biomaterials, mimicking the complexity of natural tissues even more closely.

The 3D scaffold fabrication was performed using the facilities of the platform of Production of Biomaterials and Biomolecules of the ICTS “NANBIOSIS”, more specifically by the U5 Unit of the CIBER in Bioengineering, Biomaterials & Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC).


Article of reference:

Echalier, R. Levato, M. A. Mateos-Timoneda, O. Castaño, S. Déjean, X. Garric, C. Pinese, D. Noel, E. Engel, J. Martinez, A. Mehdi & G. Subra (2017). Modular bioink for 3D printing of biocompatible hydrogels: sol–gel polymerization of hybrid peptides and polymers. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 12231-12235.

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Unit 25 of NANBIOSIS and the research field of Protein Kinase CK2. 

Ana Paula Candiota and Carles Arús, Scientific Coordinator and Scientific Director of Unit 25 of NANBIOSIS, jointly with other GABRMN members, have recently published an interesting article in the journal Pharmaceuticals, (Special Issue An Updated View on an Emerging Target: Selected Papers from the 8th International Conference on Protein Kinase CK2). This article  is also co-authored by scientifics of a research group with renowned prestige in CK2 research field, the Protein Phosphorylation group, del Dipartimento di scienze biomediche (Università degli Studi di Padova).

This publication describes a study with the preclinical glioblastoma (GB) model and its treatment, centered in exploring the potential of other therapeutic (non-mutagenic) alternatives for preclinical GB. The results obtained suggest that Protein Kinase CK2 could be a suitable candidate target for GB treatment, which could be useful in combined treatments with temozolomide (TMZ), the standard of care currently used in clinics. Tumor-bearing animals under treatment were followed up with techniques of MRI, MRSI and DWI, and an interesting finding was the appearance of peritumoral brain edema in treated animals.

The acquisition and processing of MRI/MRSI/DWI data were performed in Unit 25 of NANBIOSIS

Article of reference:

Ferrer-Font, L.; Villamañan, L.; Arias-Ramos, N.; Vilardell, J.; Plana, M.; Ruzzene, M.; Pinna, L.A.; Itarte, E.; Arús, C.; Candiota, A.P. Targeting Protein Kinase CK2: Evaluating CX-4945 Potential for GL261 Glioblastoma Therapy in Immunocompetent Mice. Pharmaceuticals 2017, 10, 24.

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Bioengineering is being strengthened in Spain

Estefanía Peña, Scientific Coordinator of Unit 13 of NANBIOSIS explains her resarch in the program “En route with science” of Aragon Television.

Bioengineering consists in the application of the principles of engineering to the field of medicine. In the opinion of Estefanía, coordinator of the Division of Biomedical Engineering and deputy director of I3A (Institute of Research in Engineering of Aragon) Bioingineering is being strengthened in Spain.

“Our research develops mathematical models and computational reproduction, especially of cardiovascular diseases and the therapies to solve them. Fundamentally we work on atherosclerosis, which is the appearance and development of atheroma plaque (a cluster of cholesterol in the wall of an artery)

This is a field with a very important social impact (35% of the deaths in Europe are due to cardiovascular diseases and the annual European cost can be around almost two hundred billion euro), this is why we try to reduce the part of experimentation developing mathematical models, both to understand the biological process, and to design new devices as stems.”

For further information:

http://alacarta.aragontelevision.es/programas/en-ruta-con-la-ciencia/ Cap 45 Min.21:42-28:12

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Titania-coated gold nanorods with expanded photocatalytic response

New communication in the Journal Nanoscale, from the Royal Society of Chemistry by NFP Group, coordinator of Unit 9 of NANBIOSIS.

Jesús Santamaría, Scientific Director of Unit 9 of NANBIOSIS together with other authors of the Nanostructured Films and Particles (NFP) Group, coordinator of Unit 9 of NANBIOSIS, has published on February 7, 2017, a Communication in the Journal Nanoscale, from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The syntheses of materials during the research have been performed by the Platform of Production of Biomaterials and Nanoparticles of the NANBIOSIS ICTS, more specifically by the Nanoparticle Synthesis Unit, as stated in the publication.

Gold nanorods coated with a uniform titanium dioxide nanoshell have been prepared and used as glucose-oxidase surrogates. Remarkably, this core–shell photocatalytic nanostructure has been able to induce complete oxidation of glucose at near room temperature (32–34 °C) in a wide range of pH values with the aid of a near-infrared (NIR) irradiation source. In contrast, the uncoated gold nanorods exhibit negligible photo-oxidation response under identical experimental conditions thereby proving the photoactivity of the titania shell towards glucose oxidation. The process takes place via in situ photo-generation of singlet oxygen or hydroxyl radicals as reactive oxidative species (ROS). This underlines the role played by the core nanorods as plasmonic light harvesters in the NIR range and constitutes the first example of a NIR-activated enzyme-like catalyst.
Article of reference:

Ortega-Liebana MC,  Hueso JL,  Arenalcd R,  Santamaria J. Titania-coated gold nanorods with expanded photocatalytic response. Enzyme-like glucose oxidation under near-infrared illumination. Nanoscale, 2017, 9,5, 1787-1792

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